Mrs. Giannini, a fashion designer of women sandals series of CWMALLS COMMODITY, once said” I have studied women’s wearing habits and psychology for over ten years. There are too many simple and stylish sandals in the markets now, which are seemingly various but of a largely similar category in reality, so I decided to design a completely different style to enrich the sandal market.” Her works have been launched recently, which show a style of exoticism. Let me introduce one of them to you.

This is her manuscript of the fringe wedge sandal, a little complex? That’s the original design which has applied for design patent.

That’s the material object. The color of floral fringes is very bright, which is consistent with the atmosphere of hot summer. Besides, it adopts wedge heel that is quite popular with the young these years. Wearing it, you will not only feel comfortable, but also be stylish. What’s the most outstanding is the design and techniques of the floral fringes. They are laser-cut which is of high technology and can make patterns more smooth, subtle and exquisite. The other parts of sandal are all handcrafted. Therefore, every sandal can be viewed as unique. Reading here, have you been tempted? If you have and desire to learn more about it as well as her other works, you can go to this website (http://www.cwmalls.com/shoes/women-shoes.html) for reference.

Freelance writer, columnist
May 12, 2016