Leather satchel own the similar surface with leather shoulder bags, can also hung on shoulder so it often confused with shoulder bags when someone do not know enough knowledge among them. Actually the biggest difference between leather shoulder bags and leather satchel bags are satchel usually can be used as messenger bags: sufficient length of shoulder strap allow this kind of bags cross body. This totally casual style give leather satchel bags really board space so that it can attracting more and more social group and different ages fans. Leather satchel bags always in east/west or transverse design style and some classical brands also own this style like Marc Jacobs Stam, Celine Bitter sweet and Prada Gauffre Antic Satchel. But up to now, more and more brands launched many series of fashion leather satchel bags and some of them even own more unique quality and design theory than some world famous brands, and CWMALLS can be the typical of them.
Most of the leather satchel bags use soft material and this give satchel really soft touch gifts. If you can still hardly distinguish the difference among all kinds of leather bags for ladies, you shoulder keeping looking at this article, and I believe after I finished this series you can absolutely understand the difference among satchel, tote, hobo or shoulder bags.