It should be the one can hold the books and files in the size A4 with neutral color, durable leather and solemn design but not the one expresses a career image of being collapsing with their bags designed with no shapes and no forms. Unlike choosing career bags, shoulder bags should not be put too much things for its heavy weights will press them under a big burden, leading to the disappearance of the career image. When doing shopping, you should also free your hands for you may buy some clothes which are packed by several paper bags. What borther you is that you have to worry the safety of the paper bags, especially worry the bags falling off your arms though your hands have been fully vacant by other things.
For women, a bag not only means the carrying of the demand and privacy, but also the ideas and habits for years, or even decades. You can see many kinds of women fans of bags, such as the women carrying the only bag and never change it or the women carrying the only kinds of bags and never throw them out.