First and foremost, shoes made of high-quality genuine leather or animal skin fur will surely be comfortable. Because these fur and leather are softer and more pliable than artificial materials. This feature will buffer the impact caused by inappropriate sizes, common failing of new shoes or hit of hard rocks to feet. Another reason is that, comparing to industrial materials, genuine leather and fur are of high breathability which prevents feet from foot disease to keep us healthier and relieve the foul smell of shoes. The final point is that leather shoes are easy to keep clean. Everyday before you go out, what you should do is to rub your shoes gently with a wet cloth. And regularly, you may just take them to do maintenance.
Now some of you must be worried about the styles. The stereotype left by leather shoes is that color is always black or brown, the appearance always stays the same and the heel is a little high. So today I will recommend the to you. In this site, you will find that shoes made of leather and fur are beyond your imaginations. Hidebound leather shoes’ design is combining fashion elements such as strap, tassel and hollow. Fur boots’ design is conspicuous in color and shoelace. And if you are not contented with all these, a pair of dress boots with metal hardware decoration in toe silhouette must be right in style with your tastes as the article says.
CWMALLS is devoted to making high-quality and original designed products with genuine leather and fur. Shoemaking is a specialized field. So, if you’d like to pick pleasing shoes online, logging in CWMALLS COMMODITY is your best choice. You can find more surprises in CWMALLS COMMODITY whose dream is to offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain.

July 6, 2017