When talking about the flap bags, I believe most of us will think about the famous brand called Chanel and which is known to all that Chanel own some really unique style bags like its Chanel totes, clutch and the famous flap bags. With chic golden hardware or flap lock on one side of the bags. But what I am going to talk about is the usual flap bags, Chanel flap bags sometimes looks more like evening bags and clutch bags, but most of the leather bags are looks like totes or hobos, with a flap on the upper and always use the soft sided material, sometimes with adjustable and detachable shoulder strap. Flap bags become popular recently due to the safe problem and its special design theory can help us to protect some useful things from danger, that’s why more and more girls choose flap bags as their casual bag!
Someone also love barrel bags or the special bucket bag, personal love them very much but if you never pay any attention to them, maybe you will feel nothing when you meet them at first sight. And so as drawstring bags, but when you check something as I did, you will love those leather bags too!