Tote bags or shoulder bags was the most famous style of bags, and tote bags also called handbags actually, but handbags sometimes means in tiny shape and it always to be ornament. Tote bags are always the definition for women, double handle or many other special design handle such as beaded handle. And shoulder bags even more popular than tote bags recently, because most of the shoulder bags can also used as handbags, and thanks to the design of adjustable or detachable shoulder strap, this style bags become more useful than before. Leather was the best material of bags series, even though most of ladies will never use a bag for over a year, but the quality of those bags also very important. Take full use of genuine leather can makes our bags more durable. And embossed or print crafts make sure of those bags looks really nice.
Actually men also use some bags for life for a long time, of course for business. And leather messenger bags can be the most famous style business bags in male bags field. Retro or vintage design style was the favorites for gentlemen. Black and brown can be the classical color, for me, cowhide leather and double handle leather bags always the first choice in!