If you usually carry a lot of things to work, just throw them in to your sling bag, drape it across your shoulder, and you are all set. You can also take them on long trips, and use them to store magazines, snacks, and other things you might need in transit. Wear them on a night out with friends or to an athletic event. There isn't a single place where a sling bag wouldn't be appropriate unless you are going to a very formal event. Double handle satchel bags come in many different styles and designs, so you can wear one anywhere you want. One problem that many people encounter frequently is losing their bags. It's easy to put your bag down, and simply forget to pick it back up. You could be in a hurry or talking on your phone, and walk out without your purse.
The loss of your wallet alone can be a big problem since it can contain credit cards, a social security card, and your identification. This would never happen with a sling bag since it stays draped over your body.
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