CWMALLS, an online garment brand devoted to original design and innovative design, specializes in various leather jackets/coats, leather shoes and leather bags. In order to offer consumers original and distinctive products, it invites designers from all over the world especially America and Europe. Though there are only minor differences between some products, it aims to provide more options to consumers in case they are unsatisfied with some details. Just as Charles Eames put it "The details are not the details. They make the design." Each detail reflects the designer’s idea. But comparing with other brands, they are quite distinctive and several categories are really unique in the world. What’s more, some of the designs have applied for patent. It is worth mentioning that it offers custom made service of leather jackets/coats, which complements each other with original design as it can not only provide custom size but also change the details you request. It aims at offering consumers the best shopping experience and meeting their personalized requirements.
As a saying goes “Designs come from life”, original designers find the needs in life and then change them into designs to make life better. That’s what original design matters. Let’s support original design together and create a more beautiful life!

Freelance writer, columnist
Oct 22, 2016
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